Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gymnastics/ Kung Fu/ Crazy Dance

Sooooo Lauren has been in gymnastics now for about 5 weeks. It is interesting to say the least but she loves it. Here are some pictures before we left the house and also of Ty who is so happy now just crawling everywhere and smiling.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Funny Lips!!!

Lauren got these funny lips and we laughed all weekend when she would walk around with them on.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Lauren asks all the time to put Ty in her baby strollers and cribs. I always say no but last night...Dad said yes. And Ty loved it. And it was pretty hilarious to watch.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ty is 7 months and our new counter tops!!!

We had a very buys weekend. Our counter tops were being done and I thought it would be fun to have a card class right in the middle of it. Well....we had the card class in the garage which turned out great. I still need to do some cleaning but it worked okay for last minute and I had some new people join us and it was just a blast. Ty turned 7 months and is happier than ever. But he doesn't like to hold his bottle....he likes me to hold his bottle while he rubs his eyes or scratches his head...so I am trying to teach him to hold his bottle. And Lauren got to ride the carousel and of course would not cooperate to take any pictures....oh well. and finally our counter tops are near done and tomorrow we should have plumbing and full use of the kitchen. It is so hard not to have water in your kitchen....and I still go to the sink and try to turn it on.

Ty is crawling

Okay here is a video I hope of Ty crawling...and a picture of his favorite place to crawl already!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

5 things i am thankful for right now

1. The repair man fixed my washer and dryer
2. doing 5 loads of laundry in under 5 days
3. dr's that make kids better- 2 with pink eye and one with two ear infections
4. they are both asleep before 730
5. lauren loves her little bro....