Monday, October 27, 2008


So we made the trip to the pumpkin patch. It was literally an all day ordeal. We started at 10am at the pumpkin patch that is actually right down the road and it was awesome. Then we had lunch followed by a nap. Then after we were all refueled we carved the pumpkins and cooked the seeds. We finally wrapped things up about 8pm and fell onto the couch. So now I will just include a bunch of pictures from the day....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 Interesting things about me

So I have not posted in a while cause my camera is on the in blog world where there are these people that post all the time they write neat things about themselves or family or thoughts...not me so much but I was "tagged" (another fun blogging game) to write 6 interesting facts about myself that you might not here goes....
1. I dont like the volume loud on the TV or radio...I really think I have sensitive ears.
2. I hate laundry...wait till there is no room left in the basket to finally fold the clothes.
3. I am deathly scared of bats....they are just creepy
4. favorite food is still mac and cheese....but it has to be a little soupy..add extra milk
5. cant wait to get the mail everyday...just in case there could be money instead of bills in there.
6. if I sit down on the couch no matter what time it is to watch tv....I will for sure fall asleep.

So there you go....I am suppose to tag 3 other people....but I dont know three other people that have blogs. so if you read this and you dont have a should make one. if i can, u can

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ice Skating!!

My friend Crystal took Lauren ice skating for the first time. She did really well and of course made mom get out there too....I thought it would be no problem.....OH MY GOSH!!!! I never fell but I had cramps in my feet and my ankles killed after..ha. Anyway Lauren did better than I thought she would and she loved it. She later told me she wanted to play Hockey when she saw the hockey team practicing.