Monday, January 17, 2011

T-ball is an indoor sport---if you live in Vancouver

So you know that i have a strong dislike for laundry...well i have a strong dislike for rain to. Everyone says you will get used to it and you just learn to do things in the rain....not this kid! I dont see any part of it that could be fun. So since we are one like 3 months straight rain....we moved sports in doors. I said go for it. Maybe i could get some new furniture. The kids are going crazy, the cat is spinning circles and i started licking the window.... SO we played t-ball inside. Yes we all did. And it went pretty well, nothing got broke...and if you look at the last picture you will notice the ball is coming right at my camera....nice hit huh! Hit me right in the head....oh and everyone thought that was soooo funny!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just more pics of Boise trip

I really am wanting to keep up on this blog....and someday i might even have more to say on here than just talking about the pictures I have taken...maybe i could be a philosopher or start an advise column. Seems like a great idea...but for now i will stick to pictures.

The Tooth Fairy is on Her Way!!!!




I was really being a big ol wimp about pulling this tooth out. Figured it would just come out on its own....but once Dad her convinced he would just look at was out before she could scream. Lauren has been asking tons of questions about the tooth fairy...I bet she will not sleep at all...just like christmas.

We can't deny it....Ty really is going to fit right in!

Well there is no way to deny it....Ty is car man! This weekend we were in Boise and he could not get enough of race cars, monster trucks and dragsters. Granpa taught him how to jack up the pedal car and then let it down....this provided LOTS of entertainment. I am sure it wont be long and he will be behind the wheel of something...oh wait he is already...his SLOW jeep! He is ready for something faster!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Trip to the Fire Station!

Ty and I went to Boise for the weekend and Ty was totally spoiled being the only kid around and got to do lots with grandma and grandpa. He went to the fire station one afternoon and cant stop talking about it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I hate is truly the one thing that i just cant stand to do. I will walk around, over, through it till i just cant stand it...then i will move it to another room...but yesterday was marathon laundry day....this is proof of just ONE rack of about FIVE ....some day i will just throw my clothes away when they are dirty... even if it was just socks i never had to wash again...a new pair everyday! that would be cozy! Guess I should have bought that lottery ticket

Just Funny!

It was just for fun!

I think kids with binkins are pretty cute. Lauren never would take on, but found her thumb from day one and Ty he loved them. Well last weekend we were at a friends and they found some and were running around with them...

Monday, January 3, 2011

I am really going to try to keep up with this blogging thing...dont hold your breathe

Lauren has been begging to go to the mall and jump on the trampolines that you get harnessed into and can go super we did just that tonight. Ty even got in on the action! I took video but cant get it to load....

Christmas Eve

Laren got makeup from the neighbor!!!

We all got new Jammies for christmas eve!!!

Its been a long time for catch up...

First...The 2nd Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party...lots of knuckleheads!