Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Trip to Vegas

I have been so bad at keeping up with this blog, but it is my goal to become better and do more updates on our life. Tommy was in Vegas for a National Event so I flew the kids to Boise to stay at my parents and then I joined Tommy in Vegas. The weather was not the greatest for racing but we had a good time. The kids had a great time at grandma and grandpa's although they are not allowed back to stay the night till they are 10! So I am going to have to find some grandparents to rent. But it was a nice break for me and I was so thankful my parents let me leave the kids there.
My goal in Vegas was to get some pictures with some of the Big Time racers but I was only able to get one with Warren Johnson. But I was so proud...ha. I got to see a lot of the Big Guys just never had my camera when i needed it.
Lauren loves to ride her bike and the pedal car at the grandparents...so I have included some pictures of her....and poor Ty...I never snapped any pictures of him. So I will make it a point to get some of him soon.

1 comment:

  1. I was so confused! Tyler kept saying you guys were in town last weekend becuase Lauren came to the plant with Bruce to visit! I said, no way...they are in Vegas, thats what it says on Facebook! Now it is all making sense and coming together!
