Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Really Does anyone read this???

Okay I have got to be better about posting on this here blog. I have tons of pictures to share and events to share all about that we have been to lately.

First are some pictures from a festival we went to and Lauren had a great time riding on all the rides. She is our true daredevil. She couldnt get enough of them.

I am determined to learn how to make my blog better looking and add some cool things. So stayed tuned as I enter into the real blogging world and get busy. Let me know if you have any great suggestions. I dont even know how to make my pictures look organized on here....


  1. Yes- I read it religiously! She is so freakin' cute!!

  2. Yes, I read it! I wait and wait for new posts! haa haa!

  3. I read! You just need to post more often! :c)

  4. We totally read your blog!! But I feel the same way.....does anyone read mine? You never know unless they post a comment! I love reading about what you guys are up to and seeing pictures of everyone too! It's so much fun!
