Monday, February 28, 2011

JJ Jump Birthday Party

Ty with his monster truck cake!
Super easy cake to make...and the rock candies I found at Winco...they were tasty.
One of the birthday outfits he got...shorts and a "Big Guy" t-shirt. Grandpa Bruce calls him Big Guy and Ty thinks it is funny and refers to himself as the Big Guy.
The only great picture I got of the JJ Jump Facility we were at. I need to learn how to use my camera better. Everything was blurry. I wish I could learn in my sleep...that seems to be about the only time I have for "more" stuff right now...but that is a goal...better picture taking!
Ty helped make his cake...well he made sure it tasted alright! I caught him dipping the beaters in for another lick....I can say that now that the cake is gone! ha.

1 comment:

  1. nice budding little tits i miss playing with my sisters tits
