Sunday, February 20, 2011

Monster Trucks

Grave Digger by far the favorite Moster Truck in this family
Ty loves pop corn and informed us he needed some while watching the monster trucks!

Lauren loved the show too...even though she missed her friends b-day party

There is just something about moster trucks that every family should go to. Ty was for sure the most excited for this. Even wore his new cowboy belt to the big event. He made sure that we brought his "plug ears" and that he needed popcorn to watch. I have to admit it was pretty fun. Something about loud engines and knuckleheads that just makes one smile. It is fun to watch the people in the crowd. You know there are die hard monster truck followers and they are truly passionate about thier favorite driver. Tommy and Ty go to deliver fuel to one of the trucks the day before the event and it was great for Ty. The guys were really nice and let Ty sit in the truck and fed him donuts....who couldnt love that! When he left he simply told the guys Thanks and to Haul Ass!

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