Monday, January 30, 2012

Craft Weekend!!!!

Craft Weekend Was AMAZING!  In so many different ways too!  But first I have to say that one thing I came away with was really wanting to learn how to blog better and be able to add pics in fun ways and all that good stuff.  Well after at least an hours of uploading photos and just trying to get onto my blog I have realized there is a huge "want" in my life right now!  I WANT A MAC!  (I hope Tommy is reading this!)  My computer is the worst.  But enough of that....I want to give a run down on craft weekend and just how wonderful it was!
 This is Meg!  We (12 crafting gals) invaded Meg's home for the weekend.  I found Meg on her blog several years ago when she was writing about a friends journey through losing a beautiful daughter.  I have read ever since and she is so inspiring and NORMAL!  I was nervous for the weekend to be honest.  I am not girlie, kinda shy when I am amongst people I don"t know, and it really was a journey into the unknown.  When we arrived it was like meeting a movie star or something.  But she was so wonderful that after a few hours of talking and getting to know everyone she made everyone feel like she was one of us and we were just old friends.  She is still a celebrity in my mind, but she was so normal..ha.  She was nothing like I envisioned either.  I was thinking super high energy, talk super fast and just crazy.  NOPE!  She was so calm and sweet and kinda just WHATEVER!  Just like her blog.  She was even better than I ever imagined!

Her house was amazing.  HUGE!  It was built in 1908 and she has done a wonderful job remodeling and decorating.  Its all just beautiful.  The above picture was our crafting room.  We had everything you could imagine at our fingertips.  We made an apron, a canvas, some bags (well I made 2 :) and bunting.  I learned to sew a bit more and just to be creative and think out of the box. 
This was our room we stayed in!  Really cute!  Her daughter Talby's room!  Beds were really comfy and warm and we stayed awake way into the morning laughing and being dumb!

Meg's Friends and helpers.  They are just as famous as Meg and incredible women!  They were all awesome!

Getting ready for our photo shoot!  Just a few of the girls.  They were all so fun and there were so many different was great!

PEANUT BUTTER CAKE....enough said!
So for now....I should "publish" this post before my computer locks up or something.  I need to take down my Christmas Village that may turn into a Valentine Village Soon.  I need to get unpacked, go grocery shopping, pay bills, clean and most importantly start on all the things I wanted to make after seeing Megs house!  But there is so much to tell from the weekend that I am sure there will be another post later.

And if you could do me a favor and become one of my followers.....that would be super.  I strive to be like "cupofkim" and I only have 2 followers.  She has 100!!!!  I gotta get there.  


  1. SHANNAN! I am SOOOOOO happy that I met you! Wasn't the weekend so fun? I love that you made two bags - because that meant I got a fancy one ;) Hahah! Whoops! No biggie!

    What a great weekend we had! I am following! :) Thanks for the shout out! (I just made it to 100 this morning! Amy hooked me up with the big one hundo!) Woot woot! :) Have a great day friend!!

  2. I will follow soon as I figure out how to.

    Dude, am I a senior citizen or something? It's like I've just been made aware that I'm more of a Luddite than I previously feared.

  3. hey Shannan...had such fun crafting and laughing with went too fast....let's do it again soon :) i'm thrilled to be a follower of you....

  4. Great post and it sounds like a great time!!! I follow you via a reader. Not sure if that counts though so I'll follow you via Google too!

  5. Just found you and SO jealous you went to craft weekend with Meg. Fun times for sure. :)

  6. Sounds like you gals had a great time. I must admit, I'm a wee bit jealous ;) I've wanted to attend Craft Weekend ever since I've known there was a CW! Maybe some day but for now I'll live vicariously through the lucky ladies who do! Thank you for the invitation to follow your blog & I do so gladly 'cause anyone who hangs out with the likes of Meg, Kimberlee & all their helpers has to be awesome too, right? Right! Thanks for sharing!:)

  7. what a blessing it was to me to have you at craft weekend. it was a fabulous time! i am so glad you had a great time. who knew little ol' kansas could be so fun right?!
    thank you for all those kind words....blush blush.
    you were a SO fun to have.
    and i can say now that i have a met a real life drag racing mama! that is AWESOME. seriously?! i can't believe how brave you are.
    i will go become a follower now.
    thank you for coming shannan....and for bringing not chinese traci with you. ha ha ha

  8. I am so glad you came to Kansas and let me feed you peanut butter cake. :)

    I am following you, too!

  9. Loved reading your recap! It made me miss Kimberlee & Meg (I met them at Blog Sugar...LOVE them!) And, my friends Jess & Kim were there, so glad they went) And, now following..#9!

  10. Shannan,

    It was wonderful to meet you! What a fun weekend. Your post about it is great!

