Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lots of Blog Updates and Catching up for the Last Half of 2011

So my blogging life is not so great....I am not great at it at all.  But.... I am going to this fabulous Craft Weekend in Kansas in 3 weeks and the host is a super fabulous blog mama that has it all together.   I don't know how she does it.  You have to check out her blog! There is a link on the side of my blog under WHATEVER. 

So on my quest to figure out this blogging stuff I have spent 2 hours updating my computer and a few times thought about throwing it away.  Finally I have got pictures to upload again, but dear God I can not get them to look fancy or put them in some sort of neat order.  OVER IT!  I decided that if I could at least get pics on my blog...i am good.  And then there is the "journaling" part.  I am very matter of fact and most often should not add anything because you can tell from the pics what is going on.  I have no poetic or journalistic tendencies.  And thank god for spell check...too bad it wont tell me when i miss a word or use the wrong one. 

So here is to 3 good weeks of updating my blog cause all of the gals going to Craft Weekend have awesome blogs and I am still struggling.  But we will see how it goes and see if I cant just bore you to death!  Oh and its back to working a full week of work!  Hasn't happened in about 2 months and I just don't think its right!  So my blog might be lacking from having to actually work a full week...maybe I will sneak it in at work...if the little IT guys don't blog this site!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. your blog is looking great :) can't wait to meet you at craft weekend!! can't believe its just around the corner!
