Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well today was back to reality!  I had to emerge from my "craft coma" and head back to work and taking care of kids.  Ty had his second karate lesson tonight!  I was such a proud mama!  He had memorized his phrase..." I will develop myself in a positive manner"  and he broke the board on his first kick earning his white belt!

                                                  And then......this proud mama found this....
Coloring on the wall....I am not sure what this drawing is of although it does look obscene.  And with a sharpie no less.  This has never happened before!  I was so beside myself.  So Ty had to go straight to bed.  He has been screaming now for 30 minutes.....wishing i could slip back into that craft coma!  And now I must go help one certain little girl with some spelling! 


  1. Great job updating your blog so much. Your craft weekend looked like fun! My friend's son just sharpied their wall too (at age 4), and she used some stuff to get it off completely. Let me know if you want to know what it is.

  2. Gotta love the sharpie marker trick! Carter took a sharpie to my car over the weekend.....so lovely!!
