Friday, February 24, 2012


So I might already be a failure at this blog stuff.  There is so much I want to do and learn for it.  I got a brand new Mac and am so excited about it.  But after some failed attempts at trying to figure some stuff out on my own on it, I resolved myself to taking a few classes so I won't continue to be frustrated.  Also....not like there isn't a million other things going on around here lately!  And yes I bring most of them on myself. 

So last weekend we celebrated Mr.Ty's 4th Birthday in Boise with my family.  We had a spectacular time and the kids have a great time playing with all their cousins.  We celebrated at Tyler & Ashley's House on Sunday and the kids all had so much fun playing.
Ty and his birthday cupcake.  He was all smiles!

Tanner...what a sweetie!

Carter....finger licking good frosting!

They are their own out the bandanas came out later!

Can we ever get a normal picture???

I told everyone to hold up their fingers with their age....Tyler was very confused.

Lauren spent the day and night with her cousin Kennedy!  They wanted to play American Girls together and just hang out.  Well....Lauren didnt want to come home!  The first night Katie did facials for the girls...only some big brother ate the cucumbers so they had to improvise and use apples.....hilarious....
Doesn't she look like a hug bug!!!!  I love it!

The next day they went to church and then came home for what Lauren discribed as THE BEST DAY EVER!  The got play in the ditch and dig holes to China....well duh that is the best day ever!
Their hole they dug....and I love the irrigating boots!!!

They got all they way to their knees toward China!  

Then our drive home on Monday morning...a bit of snow, one sleepy boy and one spoiled girl in the back with the whole seat to herself!

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