Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our American Girl Store Adventure

American Girl Dolls are a pretty new thing to our home.  Lauren doesn't even have a "real" American Girl Doll.  At Christmas I purchased a fake one to deliver her a gift certificate to the American Girl Store, where she could choose her own doll.  So off to the store we went...Lauren and her friend Cali loaded up at 7:30am on a Saturday to make the journey.  They lead the total glamorous life and watched a movie on the iPad on the way there.  I got to sip coffee and listen to whatever music I wanted to so I didn't object!
Here is the long awaited store!  It was sorta hidden in a shopping complex so it took me a bit to find!  They squealed when they finally saw it!!!

Lauren with the doll of the year!

Cali with the doll of the year!

Both happy campers and ready to play with everything as soon as we got back in the truck!

A little lunch at Red Robin and we met my cousin Molly so that was so nice to get to visit with her!!!

Not 30 minutes into our drive home.....OUT!

I was laughing so hard at this pic.  Cali literally passed out in an empty box and slept there for a long time....It was a riot!
 We had a great day.  When I first entering the store, there was a bit of sticker shock on how much things were.  But, I will say....all the things we bought were super well built and I am pretty sure they will last for years to come.  Lauren opted not to get a new doll.....she told me she didn't want to "waste" her money on a new doll when she could get a bed and an outfit.  She really is a girl after my own heart!

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