Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Bit of Catching Up To Do!!!

I really want to be an avid blogger....but man there are just so many other things to do.  It has been 3 weeks since my last post and there hasn't been a dull moment!  I have been to the beach with a wonderful group of gals...just to relax and do nothing.  The kids have been on a trip to Seattle with Marilyn and her sister and were completely spoiled rotten!  Tommy has been to 2 races in Las Vegas, and even brought home a Wally!  Lauren and Ty have both started soccer and we are enjoying spring break this week, even if it has rained the WHOLE time.  In case you didn't know...I dislike the rain to the maximum power possible.  So enjoy the pics....
Girls at the beach

The kids eating breakfast in the motorhome at the racetrack

The rough life!!!!  Hanging out in the motorhome

Tommy's traveling buddy riding shotgun!

Tommy won class at the National Event in Las Vegas!

Kids flying to Vegas

I think my ear drum blew up on this flight...never had that happen and it killed!

More of the rough life!  Watching a movie on the iPod!

Lauren ready for soccer!  Her team name is the Twinkies....I love it!  She is doing great and seems to love it.  Ty starts Saturday!

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