Monday, May 14, 2012

A-B-C Weekend #2!!!!

So we had a fabulous weekend once again at our A-B-C (arts-beaches-crafts) Weekend.  In true Mothers Day fashion we had 3 mother/daughter pairs there and it was a great way to spend the weekend together!

We had the "Sassy Seven" join us for this weekend and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!






The first night everyone got right to work on their aprons and everyone finished in super fast time....well maybe Summer had some problems.  But I helped her finish up the next day!  We had an excellent dinner of chicken enchiladas and homemade salsa with chips.

Next up we made Red Neck Wine Glasses.  They were all very cute and unique!  Some did vinyl, some did cloth on the lids and even a few did etching on them!

After a quick break to the outlet malls everyone was back at it making some very unique pillows.  Its so amazing how different each and everyone one of them was and how beautiful they all were!

Following the pillows we made some magnet board hangings and then some very cute potholders.

And then one of the more fun things we did that was not really all that planned was to go to a palm reader

This was actually very interesting.  I wasn't buying into it but I just had to try it...and surprisingly she knew many things that were right on and true about my life...scary!

All the gals were amazing this weekend and we laughed and had so much fun!  We ate way too much great food, some broke out of their crafting shell, some taught me some lessons, we all learned some crazy things our palms said about us....but most important....we had FUN!

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