Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

We had a ton of fun on Easter weekend. Grandma Karen, Aunt Diana, Aunt Liana and Casey all came to visit. They all passed around Ty all weekend long and he was so tired that come Monday he slept the whole day...HA. We had a great weekend and here are some pics....

Friday, March 21, 2008

One Month Old

Well a month has already flown by. Lauren still loves her baby brother and loves to have him sleep in her bed with her. Ty is doing good and sleeping more and more. I got 4 whole hours in a row of sleep the other night and it was wonderful...

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Pictures of Baby Ty

We are getting the hang of things around here again but it is hard. We also had to say good bye to our very good friend Maddie "our dog" today and it was very sad. Ty and Lauren are both doing very well and we are all adjusting to our new family member and no sleep....