Friday, January 13, 2012

Brrrrrrr!!!! I hope it snows!!!!

 It has been really cold out lately and there is a chance of snow this weekend....I hope it just dumps!  It is so funny here if there is even mention of snow.  People start planning that they cant come to work, the hospital sends out memos to everyone about coverage and having to stay at work for multiple days, sleeping area's are set up for staff......WOW!   I volunteer to be a driver in the "treacherous" conditions for both patients and staff....come on its fun to slide around the corners!!!
 You cant really tell but all the ornaments on the tree out front are icy....and they are all super heavy cause they have filled up with water and that has now froze!  So i cant put them away like that!  I might have to leave them up till summer....
And on icy mornings I have taught Lauren how to start the truck and turn on the defrost while I make breakfast!  Don't worry, she is the biggest rule follower I have ever known and she won't try to drive away... 
And also my favorite thing on Friday's is taking Lauren to school.  I don't get to do it often enough and it is so nice.  I love her so much....she is so responsible and such a good kid.  Breaks my heart when she gets out of the truck and walks to class cause she is just so grown up.  I never have to remind her about taking homework, lunch money or things like that....she always reminds me.  And this morning....she made her own lunch!  She is super!

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